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Root Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Muladhara

Seed Sound: LAM

Colour: Red

Pitch: C

16.5 x 11.5 cm


This chakra is located at the base of the spine and relates to our most basic survival needs and our sense of belonging, whether to our family or a larger group.

When this chakra is clear and energy flows through it freely we feel secure and confident that we can easily fulfil our needs.


This chakra, which connects us to the earth, gives us vital information about whether actions we’re considering will nourish us or pose a threat.

Blockage in this area can cause us to feel anxious and worried.

Root Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Muladhara

Seed Sound: LAM

Colour: Red

Pitch: C

18 x 12 cm


This chakra is located at the base of the spine and relates to our most basic survival needs and our sense of belonging, whether to our family or a larger group.

When this chakra is clear and energy flows through it freely we feel secure and confident that we can easily fulfil our needs.


This chakra, which connects us to the earth, gives us vital information about whether actions we’re considering will nourish us or pose a threat.

Blockage in this area can cause us to feel anxious and worried.

Sacral Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Svadhisthana

Seed Sound: VAM

Colour: Orange

Pitch: D

18 x 12 cm


This chakra resides in the lower abdomen and is associated with creativity and birth ― both literally and metaphorically, to new aspects of ourselves, projects and ideas.

When this chakra is healthy we’re tapped into the source of higher energy that helps us write beautiful music, develop an innovative business or create a loving family life.

When this chakra is congested, we may experience a block in our creative powers and a sense of emptiness.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Manipura

Seed Sound: RAM

Colour: Yellow

Pitch: E

18 x 12 cm


The Third chakra, which governs our will, self-esteem and sense of personal power, is located in the solar plexus.

When energy flows freely through this centre we’re confident of our ability to manifest our intentions and desires.

When the third chakra is blocked, however, we feel powerless and frustrated.

Throat Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Visuddha

Seed Sound: HAM

Colour: Bright Blue

Pitch: G

20 x 12 cm                                                                      15 x 12 cm

£175.00                                                                            £150.00

This energy centre is localised in the throat area and relates to communication and self-expression . . . the ability to voice our dreams.

When our centre of communication is clear, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about what others may think.

In contrast, with a congested Fifth chakra, we feel anxious about how other people will react to our views and are likely to censor ourselves.

Throat Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Visuddha

Seed Sound: HAM

Colour: Bright Blue

Pitch: G

18 x 12 cm                                                                       


This energy centre is localised in the throat area and relates to communication and self-expression . . . the ability to voice our dreams.

When our centre of communication is clear, we’re able to express our truth without worrying about what others may think.

In contrast, with a congested Fifth chakra, we feel anxious about how other people will react to our views and are likely to censor ourselves.

Heart Chakra

Sanskrit name Anahata

Vibrational sound YAM

The colour is green 

Pitch is F

This chakra is located over the sternum and relates to compassion and love. When the fourth chakra is flowing and open, we feel deeply connected to everyone in our life.


But when it’s obstructed, we experience loneliness and a sense of alienation.

Heart Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Anahata

Seed Sound: YAM

Colour: Green 

Pitch: F

18 x 12 cm


This chakra is located over the sternum and relates to compassion and love. When the fourth chakra is flowing and open, we feel deeply connected to everyone in our life.


But when it’s obstructed, we experience loneliness and a sense of alienation.

Third Eye Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Ajna

Seed Sound: Om

Colour: Indigo

Pitch: A

18 x 12 cm                                                                    17 x 12 cm

£175.00                                                                           £175.00



The Sixth chakra is located between the eyes.

 It’s the centre of insight, where we integrate all the information and intuition in our life.

When it’s open and clear, we feel deeply connected to our inner wisdom and trust that it guides us in our choices.

When energy isn’t flowing easily through this chakra, we have a sense of self-doubt and distrust.

Third Eye Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Ajna

Seed Sound: Om

Colour: Indigo

Pitch: A

18 x 12 cm                                                                            




The Sixth chakra is located between the eyes.

 It’s the centre of insight, where we integrate all the information and intuition in our life.

When it’s open and clear we feel deeply connected to our inner wisdom and trust that it guides us in our choices.

When energy isn’t flowing easily through this chakra we have a sense of self-doubt and distrust.

Crown Chakra

Sanskrit Name: Sahasrara

Seed Sound: None

Colour: Violet to White

Pitch: B

18 x 12 cm                                                       



This chakra resides at the top of the head.

 It connects us to higher consciousness and awareness.

The Seventh chakra is known as the “Thousand Petalled Lotus”, which bursts open when we remember our true nature and experience enlightenment.

Crown Chakra
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Multi Chakra Bowl

With our ever-increasing dependence on technology we can often become disconnected from real life.

This bowl will remind you to step back, rebalance and see the bigger picture.

You would choose this multi-chakra bowl when you wish to energise all of your chakras.

18 x 12 cm


Crown Chakra

This ancient Middle Eastern amulet means five.

It has been a symbol of protection for over 1800 years and is found in many cultures, so is highly recognised all over the World.

For Hindus and Buddhists it symbolises the interplay of the Chakras, which is the energy flow in your body.

No matter what faith you are, it is meant to bring its owner happiness, luck, good health and good fortune.

18 x 12 cm



Copyright: Angie Thirkell Ceramics 2020

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